Our services

Our services

We take a whole care approach
Our doctors look beyond single issues to consider the bigger picture and provide for you as a person. Your wellbeing, and your needs, goals and values are central to our practice.
Customised treatment based on collaboration
What makes AGG special is the power that our group brings. Our team work as a unit, sharing insights and responsibility for every patient. You’ll receive a unique, thorough and effective care plan – helping you achieve physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

Our services – click to view
Cervical screening is performed to detect precancerous changes before they can develop into cancer. It involves taking a sample of cells from your cervix, which is known as a cervical smear (or Pap smear). The procedure is very safe. Your gynaecologist inserts a speculum into the vagina so they can visualise the cervix and brushes the cervix to take a sample of cells. Finding cancer early increases your chance of a cure, so regular smears are vital. If you have an abnormal smear, you may need a further investigation, called a colposcopy. In this situation, the doctor uses a microscope to examine the cervix more closely and may take a biopsy of any abnormal areas for further testing. Based on the test results, your doctor will then decide on the best treatment option.
Before, during and after puberty, some girls and young women will experience gynaecological symptoms that can be worrying or embarrassing. It’s important that they receive help from a gentle specialist they feel comfortable with. Common conditions we treat at AGG include absent or irregular periods, period pain, difficulty inserting tampons, painful sexual intercourse and vaginal discharge etc.
An effective method to prevent pregnancy is the intra-uterine device, or IUD. It’s a small, T-shaped plastic device that is inserted into your uterus. Nylon threads attached to it hang down into the vagina. Once it is in place, you don’t need to think about it – IUDs last for 3 to 5 years. Most women can use an IUD, including those who have not had children.
In New Zealand there are two types of IUD:
- progestogen-only or hormonal IUDs (such as Mirena)
- copper IUDs
Both are at least 99% effective in preventing pregnancy. A progesterone IUD is also used to treat heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain or provide part of menopausal hormone treatment.
If you want to use an IUD, our specialists can explain the pros and cons, and answer all your questions before you make a decision. Fitting the IUD is usually a simple, safe procedure that can be carried out in the clinic. It takes about 5 or 10 minutes, and may be painful. Our experienced team will make sure you are well prepared, comfortable and supported throughout the procedure. Once the IUD is in place, you can expect some cramping and spots of blood for a couple of hours. If you wish or it is advised by your doctor, arrangements can be made to have an IUD inserted under sedation or general anaesthesia in our day stay theatre.
Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the lining of your uterus (womb) is found outside of the uterus. This can include the ovaries, bladder and even bowel. It affects 1 in 10 cis females and transgender people. Symptoms of endometriosis are pelvic pain, painful periods, painful sex, painful bladder and bowel function, fatigue and difficulty conceiving. There are several medical and surgical management options which are tailored to an individual. Endometriosis is one of our specialties and we are proud to offer a multi-professional team including doctors, nurses, nutritionists and affiliated physiotherapists.
Infertility is often defined as the inability to get pregnant despite having frequent, unprotected sex for at least a year. For women, the biggest risk factor is age – female fertility declines rapidly after the age of about 35. This is due to the lower number and quality of eggs. Fertility issues can also be due to factors as varied as ovulation disorders, fallopian tube damage, endometriosis or male sperm issues.
Dealing with fertility issues can be distressing, and it’s not always straightforward. However, there are safe and effective treatments that improve your chances. Our specialists are the place to start on your journey towards having a baby.
If you require specialist fertility treatment, a number of AGG doctors are also fertility specialists and will be able to refer you to their fertility clinic.
Repromed is in the same building as AGG and offer highly personalised expert fertility care on site.
Prolapse happens when there is insufficient strength in the pelvic floor to support the vagina and internal pelvic organs (including the womb, bladder and lower part of the bowel). Pelvic floor muscle weakness and/or damage is commonly due to pregnancy and birth, which may become obvious soon after having a baby, but may not be apparent until after the menopause. Women with prolapse commonly experience a bulge in the vagina, or a pressure or sensation in the pelvis. Some women also experience issues with bladder and bowel control. Treatment options are based on your age, life situation and other factors. Treatments include physiotherapy to strengthen the pelvic floor, a vaginal pessary to reduce the prolapse, or surgery to support the womb or vagina.
Pelvic pain is a sign of a potential problem with the reproductive organs – the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix and vagina. You may have other symptoms including vaginal bleeding, painful urination, painful sex and bloating/bowel symptoms. There are many conditions that cause pelvic pain, ranging from fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, or some gynaecological cancers. We can use a range of diagnostic tests to find the cause and give you the best treatment. Common options are medication, surgery and physiotherapy. We may also refer you to a counsellor, nutritionist or psychologist to help you manage the pain associated with your condition.
Early pregnancy When you’re first pregnant, you’ll notice lots of changes in your body. Most of these are normal. But during the first trimester some symptoms may indicate a problem – for instance, vaginal bleeding, high fever, severe nausea and vomiting, or leg pain. Pregnancy loss can present with bleeding and pain we offer diagnostic tests and also provide management for early pregnancy loss.
Post pregnancy Every woman hopes for a smooth recovery after pregnancy and giving birth (postpartum). But sometimes there are complications – for example, infections, ‘baby blues’, vaginal pain and incontinence. Many postpartum issues are common and not serious, but others such as fever or severe, lasting depression, may need swift attention. Prolapse symptoms can be common after pregnancy and delivery and we can guide you through this stressful time.
Continuity of care: Day stays and hospitals
We offer convenient locations for any surgical referrals. For minor, same-day procedures, we primarily use Auckland City Surgical Services (on-site). If you require overnight surgery, our gynaecologists operate out of central Auckland hospitals
Other services
Private radiology groups, pharmacies and laboratories are nearby.